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Yoga Day


“Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition which embodies the unity of mind and body: thought and action.”.
The students of Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School celebrated Yoga Day with great enthusiasm on 21st June. It was a great opportunity for the students to imbibe the value of discipline. In the beginning the Principal Mrs M. Andrews spoke to the assembly pointing out the contribution of yoga in maintaining fitness and good health and how it helps students to memorize and understand concepts in a better way. About 100 students from classes III to XII participated in the event. The program started by reciting a small peace prayer “Om sahana vavatu”. It is an ancient mantra often used as a prayer recited before studying sacred Hindu scriptures and at the beginning of classes at school.
Followed that our students did Surya Namaskar- Salutation to Sun god and also performed different yoga postures like Utkatasana, Savasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana and the session ended with Pranayama and meditation. The school is also thankful to our respected Rector Ma’am, Mrs U. Andrews and Mrs K. Bhagchandka (Management, Trustee)for encouraging and inculcating Yoga as a part of the school curriculum.

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